Early closure on Thursday, January 23
Due to our annual staff meeting, our offices will exceptionally close at 12 noon on Thursday, January 23. For urgent matters, you can reach us on our general telephone number +32 (0)3 482 15 30. On Friday, January 24, our normal opening hours will apply, so we will be at your service again.
Self-employed & liberal professions
PSPSE (Private Supplementary Pension for the Self-Employed)
A PSPSE insurance policy is a tax-friendly way to build up a supplementary pension as a self-employed person.
Why take out a PSPSE policy?
When you retire, you will undoubtedly want to maintain the same lifestyle as before your retirement. That’s why it’s best to start saving for a supplementary pension as early as possible. With a PSPSE policy, you build up a supplementary pension with your own money.
The insurance is mainly intended for self-employed persons who pay social security contributions and thereby build up statutory pension rights. Each year, you pay a premium of your choice for the accrual of your pension capital. In addition to the significant tax advantage, you will benefit from a return that is much higher than for money you put in the bank.
In other words, whether you qualify for PSPSE insurance depends on whether or not you pay social contributions. This type of retirement insurance is often taken out in combination with an IPC (Individual Pension Commitment) policy.
You can also use the savings balance of your PSPSE policy for the purchase or renovation of your private real estate. There are various options nowadays, and we will be happy to guide you through them.
What are the benefits of a PSPSE policy?
The deposits made under your PSPSE policy can be deducted from your income. They thereby provide tax savings in your personal income tax at the highest rate within your income category.
In addition, the tax reduction also lowers the basis on which your social security contributions are calculated, which further increases the return on your deposits.
A PSPSE policy also provides financial protection for your next of kin. You can supplement your PSPSE policy with a death or disability insurance, which will prevent problems for your loved ones if your income is lost as a result of death, an accident or illness.
Why take out a PSPSE policy with Van Dessel?
Because of the many possible formulas, the tax optimisation of your pension insurance should be left to the experts. We will review how you and your company can enjoy maximum tax benefits every year. Our team of specialists will be pleased to work with you, and find out which formula is the most beneficial for you.